Kaggle/House Prices

A study on Regression applied to the Ames dataset by juliencs (With Python)

Hoonki90 2016. 11. 27. 21:39



본 게시글은 Kaggle Competition에서 House prices의 TOP Kernel 중 하나를 번역한 것임.

저작권에는 문제가 없어 보이나 문제가 될시 바로 삭제하겠음.



이 커널은 선형회귀의 효과를 극대화 하기위해 책에 있는 많은 전처리와 몇몇 제약알고리즘을 포함한 모든 트릭들을 사용하려했다.

이 글을 작성했을때에, xgboost 나 앙상블기법 없이, 단지 회귀만을 사용하여 Public LB에서 약 0.121의 스코어를 달성했다.

In [1]:
# Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, RidgeCV, LassoCV, ElasticNetCV
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, make_scorer
from scipy.stats import skew
from IPython.display import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Definitions
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
%matplotlib inline
#njobs = 4
In [2]:
# Get data
train = pd.read_csv("../input/train.csv")
print("train : " + str(train.shape))
train : (1460, 81)
In [3]:
# Check for duplicates
idsUnique = len(set(train.Id))
idsTotal = train.shape[0]
idsDupli = idsTotal - idsUnique
print("There are " + str(idsDupli) + " duplicate IDs for " + str(idsTotal) + " total entries")

# Drop Id column
train.drop("Id", axis = 1, inplace = True)
There are 0 duplicate IDs for 1460 total entries


In [4]:
# Looking for outliers, as indicated in https://ww2.amstat.org/publications/jse/v19n3/decock.pdf
plt.scatter(train.GrLivArea, train.SalePrice, c = "blue", marker = "s")
plt.title("Looking for outliers")

train = train[train.GrLivArea < 4000]

밑쪽에 2개의 극단적인 이상치가 있는것으로 보인다. 엄청나게 큰집이지만 정말 싸게 팔린집들이다. 더욱이 일반적으로, 데이터셋의 저는 평방 4000평이 넘어가는 모든집을 제거할 것을 권고했다.
Reference : https://ww2.amstat.org/publications/jse/v19n3/decock.pdf

In [5]:

# 공식 기록을 위한, 타켓변수의 로그변환. train.SalePrice = np.log1p(train.SalePrice) y = train.SalePrice

로그를 취하는것은 비싼 집을 예측하는데 생긴 오류와 싼집을 예측하는데 생긴오류를 똑같이 결과에 영향을 주게하겠다는 의미이다.

In [6]:

# 평균 혹은 중앙값 또는 일반적으로 대부분의 값이 이상한 변수들의 결측치를 다뤄라. # Alley : NA는 "no alley access" 를 의미함 train.loc[:, "Alley"] = train.loc[:, "Alley"].fillna("None") # BedroomAbvGr : NA most likely means 0 train.loc[:, "BedroomAbvGr"] = train.loc[:, "BedroomAbvGr"].fillna(0) # BsmtQual etc : data description says NA for basement features is "no basement" train.loc[:, "BsmtQual"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtQual"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "BsmtCond"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtCond"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "BsmtExposure"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtExposure"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType1"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType1"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType2"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFinType2"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "BsmtFullBath"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtFullBath"].fillna(0) train.loc[:, "BsmtHalfBath"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtHalfBath"].fillna(0) train.loc[:, "BsmtUnfSF"] = train.loc[:, "BsmtUnfSF"].fillna(0) # CentralAir : NA most likely means No train.loc[:, "CentralAir"] = train.loc[:, "CentralAir"].fillna("N") # Condition : NA most likely means Normal train.loc[:, "Condition1"] = train.loc[:, "Condition1"].fillna("Norm") train.loc[:, "Condition2"] = train.loc[:, "Condition2"].fillna("Norm") # EnclosedPorch : NA most likely means no enclosed porch train.loc[:, "EnclosedPorch"] = train.loc[:, "EnclosedPorch"].fillna(0) # External stuff : NA most likely means average train.loc[:, "ExterCond"] = train.loc[:, "ExterCond"].fillna("TA") train.loc[:, "ExterQual"] = train.loc[:, "ExterQual"].fillna("TA") # Fence : data description says NA means "no fence" train.loc[:, "Fence"] = train.loc[:, "Fence"].fillna("No") # FireplaceQu : data description says NA means "no fireplace" train.loc[:, "FireplaceQu"] = train.loc[:, "FireplaceQu"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "Fireplaces"] = train.loc[:, "Fireplaces"].fillna(0) # Functional : data description says NA means typical train.loc[:, "Functional"] = train.loc[:, "Functional"].fillna("Typ") # GarageType etc : data description says NA for garage features is "no garage" train.loc[:, "GarageType"] = train.loc[:, "GarageType"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "GarageFinish"] = train.loc[:, "GarageFinish"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "GarageQual"] = train.loc[:, "GarageQual"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "GarageCond"] = train.loc[:, "GarageCond"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "GarageArea"] = train.loc[:, "GarageArea"].fillna(0) train.loc[:, "GarageCars"] = train.loc[:, "GarageCars"].fillna(0) # HalfBath : NA most likely means no half baths above grade train.loc[:, "HalfBath"] = train.loc[:, "HalfBath"].fillna(0) # HeatingQC : NA most likely means typical train.loc[:, "HeatingQC"] = train.loc[:, "HeatingQC"].fillna("TA") # KitchenAbvGr : NA most likely means 0 train.loc[:, "KitchenAbvGr"] = train.loc[:, "KitchenAbvGr"].fillna(0) # KitchenQual : NA most likely means typical train.loc[:, "KitchenQual"] = train.loc[:, "KitchenQual"].fillna("TA") # LotFrontage : NA most likely means no lot frontage train.loc[:, "LotFrontage"] = train.loc[:, "LotFrontage"].fillna(0) # LotShape : NA most likely means regular train.loc[:, "LotShape"] = train.loc[:, "LotShape"].fillna("Reg") # MasVnrType : NA most likely means no veneer train.loc[:, "MasVnrType"] = train.loc[:, "MasVnrType"].fillna("None") train.loc[:, "MasVnrArea"] = train.loc[:, "MasVnrArea"].fillna(0) # MiscFeature : data description says NA means "no misc feature" train.loc[:, "MiscFeature"] = train.loc[:, "MiscFeature"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "MiscVal"] = train.loc[:, "MiscVal"].fillna(0) # OpenPorchSF : NA most likely means no open porch train.loc[:, "OpenPorchSF"] = train.loc[:, "OpenPorchSF"].fillna(0) # PavedDrive : NA most likely means not paved train.loc[:, "PavedDrive"] = train.loc[:, "PavedDrive"].fillna("N") # PoolQC : data description says NA means "no pool" train.loc[:, "PoolQC"] = train.loc[:, "PoolQC"].fillna("No") train.loc[:, "PoolArea"] = train.loc[:, "PoolArea"].fillna(0) # SaleCondition : NA most likely means normal sale train.loc[:, "SaleCondition"] = train.loc[:, "SaleCondition"].fillna("Normal") # ScreenPorch : NA most likely means no screen porch train.loc[:, "ScreenPorch"] = train.loc[:, "ScreenPorch"].fillna(0) # TotRmsAbvGrd : NA most likely means 0 train.loc[:, "TotRmsAbvGrd"] = train.loc[:, "TotRmsAbvGrd"].fillna(0) # Utilities : NA most likely means all public utilities train.loc[:, "Utilities"] = train.loc[:, "Utilities"].fillna("AllPub") # WoodDeckSF : NA most likely means no wood deck train.loc[:, "WoodDeckSF"] = train.loc[:, "WoodDeckSF"].fillna(0)

In [7]:
# Some numerical features are actually really categories
train = train.replace({"MSSubClass" : {20 : "SC20", 30 : "SC30", 40 : "SC40", 45 : "SC45", 
                                       50 : "SC50", 60 : "SC60", 70 : "SC70", 75 : "SC75", 
                                       80 : "SC80", 85 : "SC85", 90 : "SC90", 120 : "SC120", 
                                       150 : "SC150", 160 : "SC160", 180 : "SC180", 190 : "SC190"},
                       "MoSold" : {1 : "Jan", 2 : "Feb", 3 : "Mar", 4 : "Apr", 5 : "May", 6 : "Jun",
                                   7 : "Jul", 8 : "Aug", 9 : "Sep", 10 : "Oct", 11 : "Nov", 12 : "Dec"}
In [8]:

# Encode some categorical features as ordered numbers when there is information in the order train = train.replace({"Alley" : {"Grvl" : 1, "Pave" : 2}, "BsmtCond" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "BsmtExposure" : {"No" : 0, "Mn" : 1, "Av": 2, "Gd" : 3}, "BsmtFinType1" : {"No" : 0, "Unf" : 1, "LwQ": 2, "Rec" : 3, "BLQ" : 4, "ALQ" : 5, "GLQ" : 6}, "BsmtFinType2" : {"No" : 0, "Unf" : 1, "LwQ": 2, "Rec" : 3, "BLQ" : 4, "ALQ" : 5, "GLQ" : 6}, "BsmtQual" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA": 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "ExterCond" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA": 3, "Gd": 4, "Ex" : 5}, "ExterQual" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA": 3, "Gd": 4, "Ex" : 5}, "FireplaceQu" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "Functional" : {"Sal" : 1, "Sev" : 2, "Maj2" : 3, "Maj1" : 4, "Mod": 5, "Min2" : 6, "Min1" : 7, "Typ" : 8}, "GarageCond" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "GarageQual" : {"No" : 0, "Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "HeatingQC" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "KitchenQual" : {"Po" : 1, "Fa" : 2, "TA" : 3, "Gd" : 4, "Ex" : 5}, "LandSlope" : {"Sev" : 1, "Mod" : 2, "Gtl" : 3}, "LotShape" : {"IR3" : 1, "IR2" : 2, "IR1" : 3, "Reg" : 4}, "PavedDrive" : {"N" : 0, "P" : 1, "Y" : 2}, "PoolQC" : {"No" : 0, "Fa" : 1, "TA" : 2, "Gd" : 3, "Ex" : 4}, "Street" : {"Grvl" : 1, "Pave" : 2}, "Utilities" : {"ELO" : 1, "NoSeWa" : 2, "NoSewr" : 3, "AllPub" : 4}} )

그 다음, 3가지 방법으로 새로운 변수들을 만들것이다.:

  1. 현 변수들의 간단화Simplifications of existing features
  2. 변수들의 조합Combinations of existing features
  3. 상위 10개 변수들의 다항화
In [9]:
# Create new features
# 1* Simplifications of existing features
train["SimplOverallQual"] = train.OverallQual.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # bad
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2, # average
                                                       7 : 3, 8 : 3, 9 : 3, 10 : 3 # good
train["SimplOverallCond"] = train.OverallCond.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # bad
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2, # average
                                                       7 : 3, 8 : 3, 9 : 3, 10 : 3 # good
train["SimplPoolQC"] = train.PoolQC.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, # average
                                             3 : 2, 4 : 2 # good
train["SimplGarageCond"] = train.GarageCond.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                     2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                     4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplGarageQual"] = train.GarageQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                     2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                     4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplFireplaceQu"] = train.FireplaceQu.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                       2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplFireplaceQu"] = train.FireplaceQu.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                       2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplFunctional"] = train.Functional.replace({1 : 1, 2 : 1, # bad
                                                     3 : 2, 4 : 2, # major
                                                     5 : 3, 6 : 3, 7 : 3, # minor
                                                     8 : 4 # typical
train["SimplKitchenQual"] = train.KitchenQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                       2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                       4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplHeatingQC"] = train.HeatingQC.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                   2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                   4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplBsmtFinType1"] = train.BsmtFinType1.replace({1 : 1, # unfinished
                                                         2 : 1, 3 : 1, # rec room
                                                         4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2 # living quarters
train["SimplBsmtFinType2"] = train.BsmtFinType2.replace({1 : 1, # unfinished
                                                         2 : 1, 3 : 1, # rec room
                                                         4 : 2, 5 : 2, 6 : 2 # living quarters
train["SimplBsmtCond"] = train.BsmtCond.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                 4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplBsmtQual"] = train.BsmtQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                 2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                 4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplExterCond"] = train.ExterCond.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                   2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                   4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good
train["SimplExterQual"] = train.ExterQual.replace({1 : 1, # bad
                                                   2 : 1, 3 : 1, # average
                                                   4 : 2, 5 : 2 # good

# 2* Combinations of existing features
# Overall quality of the house
train["OverallGrade"] = train["OverallQual"] * train["OverallCond"]
# Overall quality of the garage
train["GarageGrade"] = train["GarageQual"] * train["GarageCond"]
# Overall quality of the exterior
train["ExterGrade"] = train["ExterQual"] * train["ExterCond"]
# Overall kitchen score
train["KitchenScore"] = train["KitchenAbvGr"] * train["KitchenQual"]
# Overall fireplace score
train["FireplaceScore"] = train["Fireplaces"] * train["FireplaceQu"]
# Overall garage score
train["GarageScore"] = train["GarageArea"] * train["GarageQual"]
# Overall pool score
train["PoolScore"] = train["PoolArea"] * train["PoolQC"]
# Simplified overall quality of the house
train["SimplOverallGrade"] = train["SimplOverallQual"] * train["SimplOverallCond"]
# Simplified overall quality of the exterior
train["SimplExterGrade"] = train["SimplExterQual"] * train["SimplExterCond"]
# Simplified overall pool score
train["SimplPoolScore"] = train["PoolArea"] * train["SimplPoolQC"]
# Simplified overall garage score
train["SimplGarageScore"] = train["GarageArea"] * train["SimplGarageQual"]
# Simplified overall fireplace score
train["SimplFireplaceScore"] = train["Fireplaces"] * train["SimplFireplaceQu"]
# Simplified overall kitchen score
train["SimplKitchenScore"] = train["KitchenAbvGr"] * train["SimplKitchenQual"]
# Total number of bathrooms
train["TotalBath"] = train["BsmtFullBath"] + (0.5 * train["BsmtHalfBath"]) + \
train["FullBath"] + (0.5 * train["HalfBath"])
# Total SF for house (incl. basement)
train["AllSF"] = train["GrLivArea"] + train["TotalBsmtSF"]
# Total SF for 1st + 2nd floors
train["AllFlrsSF"] = train["1stFlrSF"] + train["2ndFlrSF"]
# Total SF for porch
train["AllPorchSF"] = train["OpenPorchSF"] + train["EnclosedPorch"] + \
train["3SsnPorch"] + train["ScreenPorch"]
# Has masonry veneer or not
train["HasMasVnr"] = train.MasVnrType.replace({"BrkCmn" : 1, "BrkFace" : 1, "CBlock" : 1, 
                                               "Stone" : 1, "None" : 0})
# House completed before sale or not
train["BoughtOffPlan"] = train.SaleCondition.replace({"Abnorml" : 0, "Alloca" : 0, "AdjLand" : 0, 
                                                      "Family" : 0, "Normal" : 0, "Partial" : 1})
In [10]:

# 종속변수와 가장 상관관계가 높은 변수들을 찾기 print("Find most important features relative to target") corr = train.corr() corr.sort_values(["SalePrice"], ascending = False, inplace = True) print(corr.SalePrice)

Find most important features relative to target
SalePrice            1.000
OverallQual          0.819
AllSF                0.817
AllFlrsSF            0.729
GrLivArea            0.719
SimplOverallQual     0.708
ExterQual            0.681
GarageCars           0.680
TotalBath            0.673
KitchenQual          0.667
GarageScore          0.657
GarageArea           0.655
TotalBsmtSF          0.642
SimplExterQual       0.636
SimplGarageScore     0.631
BsmtQual             0.615
1stFlrSF             0.614
SimplKitchenQual     0.610
OverallGrade         0.604
SimplBsmtQual        0.594
FullBath             0.591
YearBuilt            0.589
ExterGrade           0.587
YearRemodAdd         0.569
FireplaceQu          0.547
GarageYrBlt          0.544
TotRmsAbvGrd         0.533
SimplOverallGrade    0.527
SimplKitchenScore    0.523
FireplaceScore       0.518
SimplBsmtCond        0.204
BedroomAbvGr         0.204
AllPorchSF           0.199
LotFrontage          0.174
SimplFunctional      0.137
Functional           0.136
ScreenPorch          0.124
SimplBsmtFinType2    0.105
Street               0.058
3SsnPorch            0.056
ExterCond            0.051
PoolArea             0.041
SimplPoolScore       0.040
SimplPoolQC          0.040
PoolScore            0.040
PoolQC               0.038
BsmtFinType2         0.016
Utilities            0.013
BsmtFinSF2           0.006
BsmtHalfBath        -0.015
MiscVal             -0.020
SimplOverallCond    -0.028
YrSold              -0.034
OverallCond         -0.037
LowQualFinSF        -0.038
LandSlope           -0.040
SimplExterCond      -0.042
KitchenAbvGr        -0.148
EnclosedPorch       -0.149
LotShape            -0.286
Name: SalePrice, dtype: float64
In [11]:

# 새로운 변수들 생성. # 상위 10개의 변수들에 3승(polynomial)까지 적용. train["OverallQual-s2"] = train["OverallQual"] ** 2 train["OverallQual-s3"] = train["OverallQual"] ** 3 train["OverallQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["OverallQual"]) train["AllSF-2"] = train["AllSF"] ** 2 train["AllSF-3"] = train["AllSF"] ** 3 train["AllSF-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["AllSF"]) train["AllFlrsSF-2"] = train["AllFlrsSF"] ** 2 train["AllFlrsSF-3"] = train["AllFlrsSF"] ** 3 train["AllFlrsSF-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["AllFlrsSF"]) train["GrLivArea-2"] = train["GrLivArea"] ** 2 train["GrLivArea-3"] = train["GrLivArea"] ** 3 train["GrLivArea-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["GrLivArea"]) train["SimplOverallQual-s2"] = train["SimplOverallQual"] ** 2 train["SimplOverallQual-s3"] = train["SimplOverallQual"] ** 3 train["SimplOverallQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["SimplOverallQual"]) train["ExterQual-2"] = train["ExterQual"] ** 2 train["ExterQual-3"] = train["ExterQual"] ** 3 train["ExterQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["ExterQual"]) train["GarageCars-2"] = train["GarageCars"] ** 2 train["GarageCars-3"] = train["GarageCars"] ** 3 train["GarageCars-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["GarageCars"]) train["TotalBath-2"] = train["TotalBath"] ** 2 train["TotalBath-3"] = train["TotalBath"] ** 3 train["TotalBath-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["TotalBath"]) train["KitchenQual-2"] = train["KitchenQual"] ** 2 train["KitchenQual-3"] = train["KitchenQual"] ** 3 train["KitchenQual-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["KitchenQual"]) train["GarageScore-2"] = train["GarageScore"] ** 2 train["GarageScore-3"] = train["GarageScore"] ** 3 train["GarageScore-Sq"] = np.sqrt(train["GarageScore"])

In [12]:

# 수치형 변수들(종속변수 빼고)과 범주형변수들을 구분하기. categorical_features = train.select_dtypes(include = ["object"]).columns numerical_features = train.select_dtypes(exclude = ["object"]).columns numerical_features = numerical_features.drop("SalePrice") print("Numerical features : " + str(len(numerical_features))) print("Categorical features : " + str(len(categorical_features))) train_num = train[numerical_features] train_cat = train[categorical_features]

Numerical features : 117
Categorical features : 26
In [13]:

# medain을 이용하여 수치형변수들에 있는 결측치를 대치함. print("NAs for numerical features in train : " + str(train_num.isnull().values.sum())) train_num = train_num.fillna(train_num.median()) print("Remaining NAs for numerical features in train : " + str(train_num.isnull().values.sum()))

NAs for numerical features in train : 81
Remaining NAs for numerical features in train : 0
In [14]:

# 이상치의 영향을 줄이기 위해, 왜도가 있는 수치형변수들을 로그변환 시킨다. # Alexandru Papiu's script에서 영감을 받음 : https://www.kaggle.com/apapiu/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques/regularized-linear-models # 어림잡아, 왜도의 절대값이 0.5 초과인 변수는 왜도가 생겼다라고 여긴다. skewness = train_num.apply(lambda x: skew(x)) skewness = skewness[abs(skewness) > 0.5] print(str(skewness.shape[0]) + " skewed numerical features to log transform") skewed_features = skewness.index train_num[skewed_features] = np.log1p(train_num[skewed_features])

86 skewed numerical features to log transform
In [15]:

# 주형 변수를 원핫 인코딩으로 더미화 시킴. print("NAs for categorical features in train : " + str(train_cat.isnull().values.sum())) train_cat = pd.get_dummies(train_cat) print("Remaining NAs for categorical features in train : " + str(train_cat.isnull().values.sum()))

NAs for categorical features in train : 1
Remaining NAs for categorical features in train : 0


In [16]:
# 범주형 변수와 수치형변수를 합친다.
train = pd.concat([train_num, train_cat], axis = 1)
print("New number of features : " + str(train.shape[1]))

# 데이터셋을 훈련셋과 검증셋으로 나눔.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 0)
print("X_train : " + str(X_train.shape))
print("X_test : " + str(X_test.shape))
print("y_train : " + str(y_train.shape))
print("y_test : " + str(y_test.shape))
New number of features : 319
X_train : (1019, 319)
X_test : (437, 319)
y_train : (1019,)
y_test : (437,)
In [17]:
# 수치형변수를 표준화시킴.
stdSc = StandardScaler()
X_train.loc[:, numerical_features] = stdSc.fit_transform(X_train.loc[:, numerical_features])
X_test.loc[:, numerical_features] = stdSc.transform(X_test.loc[:, numerical_features])
/opt/conda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/indexing.py:465: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
  self.obj[item] = s

후에 테스트셋에서 사용될 관찰치들까지 포함해서 표준화하기를 원하지 않기 때문에,표준화는 데이터셋을 나누기 전에 하면 안된다.

In [18]:
# 평가법에 따른 손실함수를 정의 : RMSE
scorer = make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better = False)

def rmse_cv_train(model):
    rmse= np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(model, X_train, y_train, scoring = scorer, cv = 10))

def rmse_cv_test(model):
    rmse= np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(model, X_test, y_test, scoring = scorer, cv = 10))

리더보드에서 얻은 스코어와 CV를 통해 얻은 가 비슷하지 않다. 내 CV 과정이 어디선가 잘못된건지, 걱정된다. 만약 어떤 잘못된 점을 발견했다면, 알려주길 바란다.

1* Linear Regression without regularization

In [19]:
# Linear Regression
lr = LinearRegression()
lr.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Look at predictions on training and validation set
print("RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(lr).mean())
print("RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(lr).mean())
y_train_pred = lr.predict(X_train)
y_test_pred = lr.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_pred, y_train_pred - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_pred, y_test_pred - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train_pred, y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_pred, y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")
RMSE on Training set : 15758371373.7
RMSE on Test set : 0.395779797728

훈련셋의 RMSE는 어떤 이유에서 인지, 약간 이상하게 나왔다. 

오차는 중심선 주위에 , 임의적으로 분포되어 있으면서 흩날려 있다. 이것은 대부분의  설명변수정보를 모델이 학습했다는 의미이다.

2* Linear Regression with Ridge regularization (L2 penalty)

the Python Machine Learning book by Sebastian Raschka 에 의하면 : 제약은 공선성과 데이터로부터의 노이즈를 다루는데 매우 유용한 방법이라고 한다. 제약의 개념은 극단적인 파라미터 가중치들을 penalize 하기위해 추가적인 정보(bias)를 도입한다는 것이다.

Ridge regression은 가중치들의 squared sum을 우리의 손실함수에 단순히 더하는 하나의  L2 penalized 모델이다.

In [20]:
# 2* Ridge
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = [0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 3, 6, 10, 30, 60])
ridge.fit(X_train, y_train)
alpha = ridge.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Try again for more precision with alphas centered around " + str(alpha))
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = [alpha * .6, alpha * .65, alpha * .7, alpha * .75, alpha * .8, alpha * .85, 
                          alpha * .9, alpha * .95, alpha, alpha * 1.05, alpha * 1.1, alpha * 1.15,
                          alpha * 1.25, alpha * 1.3, alpha * 1.35, alpha * 1.4], 
                cv = 10)
ridge.fit(X_train, y_train)
alpha = ridge.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Ridge RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(ridge).mean())
print("Ridge RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(ridge).mean())
y_train_rdg = ridge.predict(X_train)
y_test_rdg = ridge.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_rdg, y_train_rdg - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_rdg, y_test_rdg - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Ridge regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train_rdg, y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_rdg, y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Ridge regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")

# Plot important coefficients
coefs = pd.Series(ridge.coef_, index = X_train.columns)
print("Ridge picked " + str(sum(coefs != 0)) + " features and eliminated the other " +  \
      str(sum(coefs == 0)) + " features")
imp_coefs = pd.concat([coefs.sort_values().head(10),
imp_coefs.plot(kind = "barh")
plt.title("Coefficients in the Ridge Model")
Best alpha : 30.0
Try again for more precision with alphas centered around 30.0
Best alpha : 24.0
Ridge RMSE on Training set : 0.115405723285
Ridge RMSE on Test set : 0.116427213778
Ridge picked 316 features and eliminated the other 3 features

우리는 제약식을 더해 ,훨씬 더 나은 RMSE결과를 얻었다, Training과 Test 결과사이의 차이가 매우 작은것은 대부분의 overfitting을 제거했기 때문이다. 시각적으로도 그래프들이 이를 뒷받침 해준다.

Ridge는 현재의 모든 변수를 사용했다.

3* Linear Regression with Lasso regularization (L1 penalty)

LASSO는 Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator의 약자다. 이 모델은 가중치들의 제곱(square)을 절대값으로 바꾼 다른 제약방법이다. L2 제약과 대조하여, L1제약은 희소한(Sparse) 변수벡터들을 산출한다. 대부분의 변수가중치들은 0일 것이다. 희소성(Sparsity)은 관련이 없는 많은 변수를 가진 고차원의 데이터셋이라면 , 실제로 유용하게 쓰일 수 있이다.

우리는 여기서, LASSO가 Ridge보다 유용할 것임을 짐작해볼 수 있다.

In [21]:
# 3* Lasso
lasso = LassoCV(alphas = [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 
                          0.3, 0.6, 1], 
                max_iter = 50000, cv = 10)
lasso.fit(X_train, y_train)
alpha = lasso.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Try again for more precision with alphas centered around " + str(alpha))
lasso = LassoCV(alphas = [alpha * .6, alpha * .65, alpha * .7, alpha * .75, alpha * .8, 
                          alpha * .85, alpha * .9, alpha * .95, alpha, alpha * 1.05, 
                          alpha * 1.1, alpha * 1.15, alpha * 1.25, alpha * 1.3, alpha * 1.35, 
                          alpha * 1.4], 
                max_iter = 50000, cv = 10)
lasso.fit(X_train, y_train)
alpha = lasso.alpha_
print("Best alpha :", alpha)

print("Lasso RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(lasso).mean())
print("Lasso RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(lasso).mean())
y_train_las = lasso.predict(X_train)
y_test_las = lasso.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_las, y_train_las - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_las, y_test_las - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Lasso regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train_las, y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_las, y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with Lasso regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")

# Plot important coefficients
coefs = pd.Series(lasso.coef_, index = X_train.columns)
print("Lasso picked " + str(sum(coefs != 0)) + " features and eliminated the other " +  \
      str(sum(coefs == 0)) + " features")
imp_coefs = pd.concat([coefs.sort_values().head(10),
imp_coefs.plot(kind = "barh")
plt.title("Coefficients in the Lasso Model")
Best alpha : 0.0006
Try again for more precision with alphas centered around 0.0006
Best alpha : 0.0006
Lasso RMSE on Training set : 0.114111508375
Lasso RMSE on Test set : 0.115832132218
Lasso picked 110 features and eliminated the other 209 features

RMSE가 training과 test셋 둘다에서 더 좋아졌다. 흥미로운 부분은 Lasso는 오직 전체변수의 1/3만 사용했다는 점이다. 또하나의 흥미로운 점은, 양과 음의 방향 둘다에서, Neighborhood의 범주들에 높은 가중치를 준 것이다. 직관적으로, 이것은 말이된다. 집값(house price)은 같은 도시에서도 동네마다 매우 다르다.

The "MSZoning_C (all)" 변수는 다른 변수들에 비해 부적절한 영향을 끼치는것으로 보인다. 이것은 general zoning classification : commercial으로 정의 된것인데, 상업지구에 있는 집일 수록 가중치가 음으로 높다는 것이 이상하다.

4* Linear Regression with ElasticNet regularization (L1 and L2 penalty)

ElasticNet은 Ridge와 Lasso regression의 타협안이다. 희소성을 갖기 위해, L1페널티를 가지고 변수들의 숫자(Lasso는 관찰치의 수보다 많은 변수를 선택할 수 없다.)같은 Lasso의 약간의 한계점을 보완하기 위해 L2페널티 또한 포함했다.

In [22]:
# 4* ElasticNet
elasticNet = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1],
                          alphas = [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 
                                    0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 3, 6], 
                          max_iter = 50000, cv = 10)
elasticNet.fit(X_train, y_train)
alpha = elasticNet.alpha_
ratio = elasticNet.l1_ratio_
print("Best l1_ratio :", ratio)
print("Best alpha :", alpha )

print("Try again for more precision with l1_ratio centered around " + str(ratio))
elasticNet = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio = [ratio * .85, ratio * .9, ratio * .95, ratio, ratio * 1.05, ratio * 1.1, ratio * 1.15],
                          alphas = [0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0006, 0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 3, 6], 
                          max_iter = 50000, cv = 10)
elasticNet.fit(X_train, y_train)
if (elasticNet.l1_ratio_ > 1):
    elasticNet.l1_ratio_ = 1    
alpha = elasticNet.alpha_
ratio = elasticNet.l1_ratio_
print("Best l1_ratio :", ratio)
print("Best alpha :", alpha )

print("Now try again for more precision on alpha, with l1_ratio fixed at " + str(ratio) + 
      " and alpha centered around " + str(alpha))
elasticNet = ElasticNetCV(l1_ratio = ratio,
                          alphas = [alpha * .6, alpha * .65, alpha * .7, alpha * .75, alpha * .8, alpha * .85, alpha * .9, 
                                    alpha * .95, alpha, alpha * 1.05, alpha * 1.1, alpha * 1.15, alpha * 1.25, alpha * 1.3, 
                                    alpha * 1.35, alpha * 1.4], 
                          max_iter = 50000, cv = 10)
elasticNet.fit(X_train, y_train)
if (elasticNet.l1_ratio_ > 1):
    elasticNet.l1_ratio_ = 1    
alpha = elasticNet.alpha_
ratio = elasticNet.l1_ratio_
print("Best l1_ratio :", ratio)
print("Best alpha :", alpha )

print("ElasticNet RMSE on Training set :", rmse_cv_train(elasticNet).mean())
print("ElasticNet RMSE on Test set :", rmse_cv_test(elasticNet).mean())
y_train_ela = elasticNet.predict(X_train)
y_test_ela = elasticNet.predict(X_test)

# Plot residuals
plt.scatter(y_train_ela, y_train_ela - y_train, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test_ela, y_test_ela - y_test, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with ElasticNet regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.hlines(y = 0, xmin = 10.5, xmax = 13.5, color = "red")

# Plot predictions
plt.scatter(y_train, y_train_ela, c = "blue", marker = "s", label = "Training data")
plt.scatter(y_test, y_test_ela, c = "lightgreen", marker = "s", label = "Validation data")
plt.title("Linear regression with ElasticNet regularization")
plt.xlabel("Predicted values")
plt.ylabel("Real values")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.plot([10.5, 13.5], [10.5, 13.5], c = "red")

# Plot important coefficients
coefs = pd.Series(elasticNet.coef_, index = X_train.columns)
print("ElasticNet picked " + str(sum(coefs != 0)) + " features and eliminated the other " +  str(sum(coefs == 0)) + " features")
imp_coefs = pd.concat([coefs.sort_values().head(10),
imp_coefs.plot(kind = "barh")
plt.title("Coefficients in the ElasticNet Model")
/opt/conda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/coordinate_descent.py:479: ConvergenceWarning: Objective did not converge. You might want to increase the number of iterations. Fitting data with very small alpha may cause precision problems.
Best l1_ratio : 1.0
Best alpha : 0.0006
Try again for more precision with l1_ratio centered around 1.0
Best l1_ratio : 1.0
Best alpha : 0.0006
Now try again for more precision on alpha, with l1_ratio fixed at 1.0 and alpha centered around 0.0006
Best l1_ratio : 1.0
Best alpha : 0.0006
ElasticNet RMSE on Training set : 0.114111508375
ElasticNet RMSE on Test set : 0.115832132218
ElasticNet picked 110 features and eliminated the other 209 features

가장 이상적인 L1비율은 여기서 1이다. 이것은 이전 Lasso 회귀와 동일한 모델이라는 의미이다. (만약 비율이 0이면, 정확히 Ridge 회귀와 동일하다.) L1의 잠재적인 단점들을 보완하기 위한, 그 어떤 L2 제약도 필요하지 않다.

the "MSZoning_C (all)" 변수를 제거했을 때, CV결과는 약간 안좋게 나왔지만, 리더보드 점수는 약간 더 좋게 나왔다.


데이터 셋을 준비하고 제약식을 최적화한 노력이 캐글에서 전통적으로 좋은 성능을 내는 랜덤 포레스트 같은 알고리즘을 사용한 몇몇 스크립트들 보다 좋은 결과를 냈다.